Insuring your Holiday Gifts

23 December 2015 Category: Uncategorized

Have You Thought About Insuring your Holiday Gifts?

Since you’ve put a lot of thought and money into picking the right holiday gifts, it’s well worth insuring them. With the holiday season in full swing, you’ve probably given some thought to holiday gifts. Maybe you had yours purchased and wrapped weeks ago. Maybe you’re doing the last-minute mad dash to get everything you need. Maybe you’re somewhere in between. Either way, you invest a lot – from mental energy to money – in picking and buying holiday gifts. Insuring them is the best way to protect your gifts […]

2 November 2015 Category: Uncategorized

Is Your Content Coverage Sufficient?

Your homeowners insurance can cover your valuable home belongings in Pasadena, CA. While you may have homeowners insurance already in place, you may need to re-evaluate the the coverage so that your possessions and valuables are protected. If you have purchased or inherited valuables over the years, or even if you have not completed a recent inventory and assess the replacement value of your daily use terms, it is time for a review. Determining When Enough is Enough Property owners should ask themselves if their current coverage is adequate. Make […]