Home Warranty vs. Home Insurance in Pasadena, CA

15 February 2016 Category: Uncategorized

Home Warranty vs. Home Insurance in Pasadena, CA: What’s the difference?

Home warranty and home insurance in Pasadena, CA sounds very similar, so what’s the difference? Both home warranties and home insurance great protections to have, and both protect your home, they are compliments of each other that offer different types of protection. Learn what each kind of protection covers should you purchase one or the other, or both! Home Warranty This is a service contract that provides repair/replacement of system components and appliances that fail due to their own fault (e.g., age, wear and tear). If one of your HVAC systems […]
Hidden Poisons Dangerous to your Pets

18 November 2015 Category: Uncategorized

Hidden Household Pet Poisons

Steer your pet away from toxic items that lurk within your home. Anyone who has a pet knows how difficult it can be to keep them away from food and items that they shouldn’t eat. From leftover candy to table scraps, dogs and cats have the propensity to eat anything and everything around the house. What we don’t know is that some of these items that may seem innocent are poisonous to our furry friends. Here are four household items which can threaten your animals’ life: Ibuprofen This medicine inhibits […]
Halloween Safety Tips

28 October 2015 Category: Uncategorized

Keep Halloween Horrors Away

Parents, ensure the safety of your children this Halloween night. Children love Halloween night. After all, they get to dress up in full costume, enjoy a night with their friends, and receiving buckets of free candy, so who can blame them? Unfortunately, the excited spirits can turn mischievous manners into mayhem during the night of Halloween. This year, avoid a real-life nightmare with these safety steps while trick-or-treating: Let no costume material drag on the floor as it may cause trips or falls. Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags […]

14 November 2014 Category: Article Archives

Have a Safe Thanksgiving With These Tips

Thanksgiving is just a couple of days away, which means it is time to pull out your favorite recipes and get the bedrooms ready for arriving guests! It is also the best time to make sure that everyone knows how to stay safe during the holiday. Keep these Thanksgiving cooking safety tips in mind to ensure everyone has a pleasant holiday season! Clean your stove and oven before you start cooking. Built up grease can easily cause a dangerous fire to start in your kitchen. Do not leave the house […]

10 October 2014 Category: Article Archives

Halloween Safety Tips

With Halloween just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to make sure your jack o’ lantern is ready and your costume has all its finishing touches. However, more importantly, it’s vital to make sure that you know how to stay safe while celebrating the holiday. Keep these Halloween safety tips in mind, to ensure you have a safe and fun Halloween night. When choosing a costume for your child, make sure it fits properly to avoid tripping and falling while trick or treating. Also, make sure they wear proper shoes […]