Car Insurance in Pasadena, CA for People Under 25

5 February 2016 Category: Uncategorized

How can People Under 25 get Affordable car Insurance in Pasadena, CA?

Even if you haven’t turned 25, you deserve competitively priced car insurance in Pasadena, CA! Being young has a lot of perks! You have plenty of energy, your joints don’t hurt, and best of all, you’ve got your whole future ahead of you. There are some downsides, though. Specifically, if you’re under 25 you’re about to overpay for car insurance. Are there reasons why? Actually, agents just know how to look at statistics. Drivers under 25 are riskier on the road, and, consequently, riskier to insure. This risk gets passed along to you in […]
Young Drivers & Car Insurance Pasadena CA

28 September 2015 Category: Uncategorized

Young Drivers: You Can Still Save On Your Car Insurance!

How young drivers can get the best possible rates on their Pasadena, CA car insurance. When you’re young, you’ll likely be on the tightest budget of your life. Your older years might yield the opportunity to put some money in savings to provide a cushion, but just starting out after college probably has you living on a shoestring. We know that, and that’s why we don’t think you should have to settle for high auto insurance premiums just because you’re under the age of 25! To help make up for […]
Tips For Avoiding Traffic Tickets

2 September 2015 Category: Article Archives

Tips For Avoiding Traffic Tickets

Skip The Traffic Ticket With These Tips There is nothing quite like the feeling of noticing a cop tucked on the side of the road at the last minute. Even if you are traveling the speed limit, your heart rate picks up a little and you might notice your hands start to sweat. Those feelings only amplify if you see the officer pull out on the road behind you. So you can avoid getting pulled over, use these tips for avoiding traffic tickets to help you fly under the policy […]