Preparing for Natural Disasters

13 November 2015 Category: Uncategorized

Preparing Your Finances for an Unexpected Natural Disaster

Your financial future can be protected with reliable Pasadena, CA insurance. While a natural disaster may not be at the top of your list of concerns, it’s known that the U.S. experienced a record-breaking number of natural disasters in 2011 with losses of nearly $60 billion. With the number of natural disasters on the rise, residents nationwide are realizing that Mother Nature can cause havoc wherever. Thousands of citizens who never dreamed of weather-related conditions are now facing the threat of damage to their home and finances. If you are […]

8 December 2014 Category: Article Archives

Why Couples Should Consider Life Insurance

Married Couples Need Life Insurance Life Insurance used to be largely talked about as a way to protect a spouse from financial impact due to the major breadwinner passing. In recent times, life insurance attention seems to have shifted to educating about financial protection issues that arise when spouses separate or divorce. People are living longer and divorce rates remain relatively high, but married couples still have a need for life insurance. Why The Change? The need for couples to have life insurance may have been more prominent in past […]

10 March 2014 Category: Article Archives

Create a disaster plan for your business

There are circumstances beyond our control that can affect our company‘s operations and how we do business. Disasters of all sizes are responsible for preventing businesses from opening, servicing customers and receiving materials from suppliers. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, disasters are responsible for an estimated 25 percent of businesses not being able to ever reopen again. Major disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, fires and floods are rare, but can be responsible for a halt in business operations. Smaller, more common disasters include power outages and computer crashes. […]