General Liability Insurance in Pasadena, CA: The Basics

27 June 2016 Category: Business Insurance

General Liability Insurance in Pasadena, CA: The Basics

When you say you’re going to start a business, everyone tells you that you need general liability insurance in Pasadena – for good reason. If you own your own business, you know that your own personal liability insurance won’t cover losses related to your professional activities. What will happen to your business, then, if you are sued and a hefty lawsuit is placed on your doormat? An expensive lawsuit could wipe you and your company straight off the business map before you ever get started, or may damage the reputation […]
How Can I Get Discounts on My Car Insurance in Pasadena, CA?

13 June 2016 Category: Auto Insurance

How Can I Get Discounts on My Car Insurance in Pasadena, CA?

Car insurance in Pasadena can be expensive and a rather annoying thing to pay every month—don’t you wish there was a way to cut your premium without cutting coverage? Car insurance companies use statistics to predict a driver’s likelihood of getting into an accident. They use your driving record and plug your discrepancies into an equation; what comes out of that equation is what they use to set your premium rates. Needless to say, it pays to be a good driver. There are actually some things you can do to […]
Umbrella Insurance in Pasadena, CA

30 May 2016 Category: Article Archives, Auto Insurance

Why You Should Purchase Umbrella Insurance

The extra protection of umbrella insurance may come in handy when you least expect it. While it’s easy to think that only rich people will need the extra coverage umbrella insurance offers, you’d be surprised how many times it’s come in handy for everyday people. A very common example of people needing umbrella insurance is for their auto insurance policy. Should you be involved in a news-worthy car collision and it’s your fault, the lawsuit you get slapped with can easily exceed your car insurance policy. You’ll be left in […]
How You Can Build the Perfect Employee Benefits Package

23 May 2016 Category: Business Insurance

How You Can Build the Perfect Employee Benefits Package

A fairly generous employee benefits package can be an excellent way to keep your talent and attract that sharpest tools in the shed. There are many ways in which you can measure the success of an entrepreneur. Some of those ways include the number of business they have launched, the revenue that’s been earned at each business, and the ways in which that individual has serviced and impacted their community. But perhaps the best way to measure such success is to see how well they treat their employees beyond tangible […]
How a Good Driver Discount Can Help Your Auto Insurance in Pasadena, CA

16 May 2016 Category: Uncategorized

How a Good Driver Discount Can Help Your Auto Insurance

Being a good driver can definitely have its perks: the Good Driver Discount will save you money on your auto insurance! Maintaining a spotless driving record can lead to great savings on your auto insurance. It doesn’t just keep your premium low but, depending on your insurance company, it can also earn you additional discounts simply by following the rules of the road. If you can avoid collision or getting a ticket, you’ll find there’s more reward than boasting to your friends about having a squeaky clean driving record. Good […]
For How Long Should I Get Term Life Insurance in Pasadena, CA?

11 May 2016 Category: Life Insurance

For How Long Should I Get Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is one way in which you can cover your family with the protection they deserve. When purchasing a term life insurance plan, you have two main things that you should be thinking about: how much coverage to buy, and how long your policy should last. The duration of the financial obligations you should cover will determine how long your term life insurance policy should last. You want a policy to last until your very last major financial obligation is paid in full. If you’re curious about term life […]
What to Do and What Not to Do With Your Tax Refund

9 May 2016 Category: Article Archives

What to Do and What Not to Do With Your Tax Refund

If your tax refund came in the mail and you’re unsure what you should spend it on, we’re here to help. Wipe away your tear because tax season is finally over! Millions of Americans will have received their tax refunds through the mail from the IRS, and it may even put a big smile on their faces. You may be thinking that you can finally purchase that 80’’ LED TV to watch your favorite football team in big HD greatness. As tempting as this may sound, you may want to […]

2 May 2016 Category: Article Archives, Health Insurance

Walking: The True Benefits

Walking sure has its benefits. Are you ready to reap them? Here is how you can get started and stay motivated! Walking is one of the things that humans do best. This may sound obvious and uninformative, but think of this: humanity spread throughout the entire globe in ways unseen by any other species. Venturing out of East Africa and into Asia and Europe, then crossing the ice bridge that once connected Russia and Alaska and permeating the Americas. We’re very good at walking, to say the least. But now […]
Small Business Owners Should Know These Insurance Types

25 April 2016 Category: Uncategorized

Small Business Owners Should Know These Insurance Types

Do you have the proper coverage that your business needs? When you own a business, you have quite a lot to protect, and the right small business insurance coverage can be important for the continued success of your business. Even before you cut the ribbon to open the doors to your business, there are many risks which pose a threat and can potentially force you to shut the doors for good. Luckily, there are some coverage options when it comes to protecting your business. Here are three must-have insurance policies […]
Business Interruption Coverage 101: The Basics

18 April 2016 Category: Uncategorized

Business Interruption Coverage 101: The Basics

Business interruption coverage could mean the difference between staying afloat, or sinking. Consider the following scenario: the business next door that specializes in fire extinguishers catches fire, and the fire reaches into your own business. Firefighters manage to put the blaze out before it causes any serious damage to your building, but it’s clear that you won’t be able to utilize this space for a number of months. In addition, your merchandise and equipment has been damaged! Setting aside the irony of your neighbor’s situation, how will you replace your earnings […]