How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

13 April 2016 Category: Uncategorized

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

Having a life insurance policy is great to have peace of mind over your loved ones should your passing come at an untimely moment. If you have dependents (people that depend on you for their survival), buying enough life insurance is pivotal to their well-being. It will replace the income that you would have gotten, and their way of life will remain the same. Your family may also need some extra money to make changes after you pass; they may wish to relocate, or your spouse may need to go back to […]

8 December 2014 Category: Article Archives

Why Couples Should Consider Life Insurance

Married Couples Need Life Insurance Life Insurance used to be largely talked about as a way to protect a spouse from financial impact due to the major breadwinner passing. In recent times, life insurance attention seems to have shifted to educating about financial protection issues that arise when spouses separate or divorce. People are living longer and divorce rates remain relatively high, but married couples still have a need for life insurance. Why The Change? The need for couples to have life insurance may have been more prominent in past […]