Does Your Homeowners Insurance Cover Plumbing Issues

14 September 2022 Category: Homeowner Insurance

Does Your Homeowners Insurance Cover Plumbing Issues?

Your homeowners insurance frequently covers unexpected and accidental losses, such as spontaneous pipe ruptures. However, it won’t cover gradual, continuous slab leaks or other issues brought on by carelessness or poor maintenance. Although homeowners insurance covers several plumbing issues, it often does not cover water damage that might have been avoided, such as gradual leaks or frozen pipes in an unheated home. Furthermore, homeowners insurance is unlikely to cover the cost of removing or remediating mold resulting from avoidable water damage. What Homeowners Insurance Covers Plumbing-Related Issues? Your homeowners insurance […]
How to Bundle Homeowners and Auto Insurance to Save Money?

11 May 2022 Category: Auto Insurance, Homeowner Insurance

How to Bundle Homeowners and Auto Insurance to Save Money?

Having an insurance policy is a great way to protect yourself from the financial crisis that may arise from a peril. However, a certain percentage of Americans see insurance cost as bothersome. This is because they do not know how to save money on insurance. One way to do that is by bundling policies. Policyholders can purchase more than one policy from the same insurer and bundle it at a discounted price. This post contains ways to bundle homeowners and auto insurance to save money. Read on to find out […]
Ideas To Keep Your Renters Insurance Premiums Affordable

4 November 2021 Category: Home Insurance

Practical Ideas to Keep Your Renters Insurance Premiums Affordable

If you rent a room or apartment, buying renters insurance is crucial to protect your personal belongings. Your landlord’s commercial insurance will only cover so much if a strong storm damages your unit. Here are helpful insights for keeping your renters insurance affordable. Opt For a Renowned Insurance Agency A well-known insurance provider generally caters to a large and diverse customer base and can usually provide a wider selection of insurance options to customers. This model allows for the company to nurture long-term relationships to help meet the specific needs […]
Homeowners Insurance For New Homes Vs Old Homes

23 September 2021 Category: Home Insurance

Homeowners Insurance for New Homes Vs. Old Homes

Homeowners insurance is a form of property insurance that covers losses and damage to an individual’s residence while protecting their furnishings and other assets in the home. Insuring Old and New Homes When looking for homeowners’ insurance for a new home, you’ll discover that there are many insurance companies to choose from. However, the options might be limited when it comes to insuring an old home. Home insurance companies perceive homes that are more than fifty years old as high-risk. Older homes often require expensive and frequent repairs, which most […]
Homeowners Safety Tips Vacation

15 June 2017 Category: Article Archives, Home Insurance

Homeowners Safety Tips While on Vacation

Summer is the ideal time to get away. But before you head off to paradise, brush up on your homeowners safety tips. Summer is upon us, and hopping on a plane and jetting off to some foreign location for a week (or two) of rest and relaxation is ideal for this season. The days and weeks before your trip of last-minute packing and departure anxiety can be a busy and stressful time. Whether you’re heading to the beach or to the mountains, protection for your home will give you the […]
Tips for Home Fire Safety

30 January 2017 Category: Article Archives, Home Insurance

Tips for Home Fire Safety

Winter is here. If you plan on lighting your fireplace, make sure that you keep your home safe with these home fire safety tips. As the winter brings down temperatures into the ridiculously cold, you may be tempted to light your fireplace. Additionally, with natural gas prices continuing to rise, you will likely be looking for ways to your heat your home without breaking the bank. But before you spark up those logs, you have to make sure that your fireplace and chimney are ready to work. Fireplaces are involved […]
A Homeowners Guide to Home Insurance: Q&A

6 April 2016 Category: Uncategorized

A Homeowners Guide to Home Insurance: Q&A

You have questions regarding homeowners insurance, and we have the answers! Insurance. When you read that word, are you overtaken by fear and uncertainty? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. It may not be the most thrilling subject in the world, but it’s essential to the know the ins and outs of your insurance policy, or if you have yet to buy one, to know what you’re getting yourself into. Virtually all mortgage lenders require you to have a homeowners insurance before they hand over the money to protect their investment. […]
HTDMA: How to Decode Mortgage Acronyms

29 March 2016 Category: Uncategorized

HTDMA: How to Decode Mortgage Acronyms

A small guide to get you through all the jargon. Reading all of the acronyms in a mortgage contract can leave you saying, “WTF?” If you’ve ever confused any acronyms in your texts, you’ve probably had a good laugh. Confusing the acronyms found in your mortgage contract, however, can end up being a costly mistake. For example confusing ARM for “A Rough Musketeer” could leave you paying a very high mortgage rate. Be confused no longer; know what the mortgage acronyms stand for with the list below: ARM: Adjustable-Rate Mortgage […]
How to Fireproof Your Home

24 March 2016 Category: Uncategorized

How to Fireproof Your Home

Know how you can keep your home safe from fire with these fireproof tips. If you’re expecting Spider-Man to save you from your burning house, we have some bad news for you: he lives in Manhattan and can only travel if there are tall buildings in the vicinity. (Also, he does not exist.) Fires are responsible for the deaths of 2,500 people and injure about 12,600 each year, and are responsible for approximately $7.3 billion in damages!  Not all is lost, however. Fires can be prevented by taking the necessary […]
3 Helpful Tips to Know When Purchasing Home Insurance in Pasadena, CA

7 March 2016 Category: Uncategorized

3 Helpful Tips to Know When Purchasing Home Insurance

These tips will help first-time buyers with their homeowners insurance. Buying a home for the very first time can be overwhelming. Your attention is divided into so many things that it can be easy to forget about purchasing a quality homeowners insurance policy. Before you pick up the phone and make a deal with the first link you found on Google, take a step back and breathe. Here are some tips to help you get the home insurance that you need. Compare the prices of different companies Your mortgage lender […]