Flu Symptoms

19 February 2016 Category: Uncategorized

Beat Sickness by Recognizing These Flu Symptoms

Stop the flu before it gets too serious by recognizing these symptoms. We certainly all agree that the flu is a hassle, but for some people it can become much more than that. The influenza virus – or flu – can aggravate preexisting health conditions and cause serious health issues like pneumonia and bronchitis. Fortunately, recognizing the flu early can help you get the treatment you need to nip your sickness in the bud this flu season. How do you know if you’re coming down with the influenza virus? Here […]

19 March 2014 Category: Article Archives

Don’t Get Sick; Get Even with the Flu

Even though we are looking forward to springtime, flu season isn’t quite over yet!  Preventing the flu is a lot easier than having the flu, and here are a few tips to keep you healthy as we head towards the warmer weather. Wash your hands several times a day with soap and warm water.  Each hand washing should take at least fifteen seconds for highest affectivity. Carry (and use!) gel hand sanitizer; many communal surfaces can carry flu germs including: copy machine buttons, coffee pot handles, doorknobs, telephones, shared books/office […]