15 January 2016 Category: Uncategorized

Get Ready For El Ninõ With These Tips

Following these tips will help your home and car stay safe during El Ninõ. With the recent heavy rains and dangerous flooding, there is no way to deny that El Ninõ is here. Even if you have started taking the necessary steps to get ready for the upcoming storms, there is always more you can do. Use these El Ninõ tips and tricks to ensure you are prepared for whatever Mother Nature has in store. Clearing your rain gutters and ensuring all weather stripping around your doors and windows is tight will help […]

10 March 2014 Category: Article Archives

Create a disaster plan for your business

There are circumstances beyond our control that can affect our company‘s operations and how we do business. Disasters of all sizes are responsible for preventing businesses from opening, servicing customers and receiving materials from suppliers. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, disasters are responsible for an estimated 25 percent of businesses not being able to ever reopen again. Major disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, fires and floods are rare, but can be responsible for a halt in business operations. Smaller, more common disasters include power outages and computer crashes. […]