Small Business Owners Should Know These Insurance Types

25 April 2016 Category: Uncategorized

Small Business Owners Should Know These Insurance Types

Do you have the proper coverage that your business needs? When you own a business, you have quite a lot to protect, and the right small business insurance coverage can be important for the continued success of your business. Even before you cut the ribbon to open the doors to your business, there are many risks which pose a threat and can potentially force you to shut the doors for good. Luckily, there are some coverage options when it comes to protecting your business. Here are three must-have insurance policies […]
Business Interruption Coverage 101: The Basics

18 April 2016 Category: Uncategorized

Business Interruption Coverage 101: The Basics

Business interruption coverage could mean the difference between staying afloat, or sinking. Consider the following scenario: the business next door that specializes in fire extinguishers catches fire, and the fire reaches into your own business. Firefighters manage to put the blaze out before it causes any serious damage to your building, but it’s clear that you won’t be able to utilize this space for a number of months. In addition, your merchandise and equipment has been damaged! Setting aside the irony of your neighbor’s situation, how will you replace your earnings […]
Saving on Commercial Auto Insurance in Pasadena, CA

18 January 2016 Category: Uncategorized

Are You Paying Too Much For Commercial Auto Insurance in Pasadena, CA?

These tips will help you save money on your commercial auto insurance in Pasadena, CA. As a California business owner, chances are your company is a huge part of your life. With all that you have invested into your company, you want to make sure it is protected. If you have any company cars, this includes making sure you have the right commercial auto insurance in Pasadena, CA. While there is no way to completely avoid the cost of your commercial auto insurance policy, there are ways that you can […]

15 December 2014 Category: Article Archives

Take The Proper Security Precautions To Protect Your Small Business

Protect Your Small Business From Hackers Small businesses often believe that they can fly under the radar and avoid data breaches, simply because they are small. However, it is actually smaller businesses that are targeted more frequently by hackers. Here is some information about why small businesses are more at risk and how you can protect your small business from data breaches. Small Business Risks: Small businesses are more at risk for data breaches because they tend to have less security. Large corporations have the money to spend on expensive […]

28 February 2014 Category: Article Archives

General Liability Insurance: A Business Necessity

A business doesn’t have to be in an accident-prone industry for accidents to happen, and when accidents happen on a business’s property, or while someone is acting on behalf of a business, the business is liable for any expenses that accrue. General liability insurance protects a company in the event of these business-related accidents. Typical expenses covered by general liability insurance include: Medical expenses in the event of on-site accidents involving employees or visitors, or off-property accidents involving employees, that result in injury Property damage that occurs on-site or is […]