Baby Boomers & Home Insurance Pasadena CA

2 December 2015 Category: Uncategorized

Baby Boomers Home Upgrades Need Updated Insurance

Home upgrades bring the necessity to update Pasadena, CA home insurance. The baby boomers are experiencing physical changes and hindrances associated with aging, such as loss of balance and aching joints. Some of these changes may require modification to the home like filling in a sunken living room to eliminate the steps down, adding a special shower door, or even adding a residential elevator. These changes may, or may not, alter the valuable of the home itself. Renovation Impact As home insurance should cover the total cost of rebuilding the […]
Young Drivers & Car Insurance Pasadena CA

28 September 2015 Category: Uncategorized

Young Drivers: You Can Still Save On Your Car Insurance!

How young drivers can get the best possible rates on their Pasadena, CA car insurance. When you’re young, you’ll likely be on the tightest budget of your life. Your older years might yield the opportunity to put some money in savings to provide a cushion, but just starting out after college probably has you living on a shoestring. We know that, and that’s why we don’t think you should have to settle for high auto insurance premiums just because you’re under the age of 25! To help make up for […]