15 September 2014 Category: Article Archives

This Easy Checklist Can Help You Fix Up Your Home This Fall

Forget spring cleaning, summer is over and this fall is a great time to get your home maintenance started. Besides being able to kick back and relax in the spring when your friends are all rushing to get their houses cleaned, there are many benefits to sprucing up your house in the fall.

Your home will not stay new forever so make sure it stays in tiptop shape with this maintenance checklist of easy things you can do to keep your home looking new throughout the rest of the year!

  • Make sure to clear those leaves out of the gutter. Build up in your gutters can lead to clogged gutters which causes water to overflow and can eventually lead to cracks in your roof. The good news it prevention is as simple as getting on a ladder and clearing out leaves, twigs, and anything else that may have fallen into your gutters.
  • While you are up on the roof why not check for shingles that need to be replaced? Shingles are your homes only form of protection against the outdoors. Replacing your shingles also will keep your home looking great so get your work gloves on and get started with fixing that roof!
  • In fall the weather is cool and a lot less humid, this makes it a perfect time to repaint the outside of your home!
  • Get rid of any pesky tree branches or bushes invading your homes personal space. Trimming branches and bushes will prevent sun blockage and eventual water damage.
  • Before you and the family decide to get cozy with the fireplace, make sure you inspect the chimney and make sure it is safe for use.

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