Is Your Content Coverage Sufficient?
Your homeowners insurance can cover your valuable home belongings in Pasadena, CA.
While you may have homeowners insurance already in place, you may need to re-evaluate the the coverage so that your possessions and valuables are protected. If you have purchased or inherited valuables over the years, or even if you have not completed a recent inventory and assess the replacement value of your daily use terms, it is time for a review.
Determining When Enough is Enough
Property owners should ask themselves if their current coverage is adequate. Make a list of what items are covered in your personal property and what is not. If you have acquired any valuable items recently, your coverage should reflect the additional cost to repair or replace the item. The inventory should include a list of your items, value, photographic documentation and serial numbers or brand names. A current inventory will help to streamline the process of filing a claim, should a peril happen to your items.
Content Coverage
Your homeowners insurance policy comes with contents coverage bases on the overall value of your personal property, and up to around 50 to 70 percent of the amount of coverage on your home’s structure. For example, if you have coverage on a $300,000 house, your policy may include approximately $150,000 in personal property coverage.
If you have lived in the house for a few years and collected valuables, such as diamond jewelry or artwork, your basic homeowners insurance policy may not cover the replacement value of these items if they are destroyed or stolen. Therefore, additional coverage may need to be added to your policy to cover these special items. Possessions of value can range from a new iPhone, golf clubs, computers, fine art, china, musical instruments, taxidermy, and antiques.
Your belongings and treasures transform your house into your home and provide the quality of life that you are accustomed to. Don’t let unexpected events derail you financially, contact Massive Insurance for all of your content and home insurance coverage in Pasadena, California.