Apps for Older People

22 July 2015 Category: Article Archives

Smartphone Applications For The Elderly

Download These Apps For Your Loved Ones!

We all know that our smartphones have brought productivity and creativity to our hands, but there is an age group that is not fully taking advantage of the apps offered to them. Since your elderly parents or grandparents may not realize how much their phones can help to provide them with convenience, we recommend downloading these apps for older people to get them ahead of the times:

  • Pillboxie – Do you have a loved one who seems to always forget when to take their medications and ends up missing important doses? Allow Pillboxie to assist! All you have to do is set up the application and add all medications and timely reminders to the system and you will never forget a dose again!
  • iBP Blood Pressure – Rather than lugging around the old fashioned blood pressure monitor use this app! You will need to purchase a blood pressure monitor that syncs with the device, but you can analyze your blood pressure with the simple click of a button.
  • WebMD – There is now a smartphone application for WebMD that allows individuals to complete the “Symptom Checker” and other various medical needs through their phones. You can receive health tips and ready the daily mini-magazine for this app as well!
  • Vouchercloud – If your loved one is a coupon Queen or King, why not help them, bundle all of their discounts into a convenient app? They will no longer have to collect and remember to bring all coupons for a specific store, as their app will organize everything for them.
  • Motion Doctor – Individuals seeking assistance in their physical therapy needs love this app! You can enjoy a reference guide with recommended treatments, stretches, and exercise that will allow you and your elderly loved one recover with ease.

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