3 Helpful Tips to Know When Purchasing Home Insurance
These tips will help first-time buyers with their homeowners insurance.
Buying a home for the very first time can be overwhelming. Your attention is divided into so many things that it can be easy to forget about purchasing a quality homeowners insurance policy. Before you pick up the phone and make a deal with the first link you found on Google, take a step back and breathe. Here are some tips to help you get the home insurance that you need.
- Compare the prices of different companies
Your mortgage lender will most likely not loan you the money you need unless you have a home insurance policy. They won’t really care from where so it’s to your advantage to surf the Web and call around for the company that will offer you the one that’s right for you. Compare price, coverage, and customer reviews.
- Know the coverage
Before you sign the dotted line, make sure that you know what is going to be covered by your policy. You don’t want to be paying extra for something you don’t need, or even have in your home. All policies have 16 perils that they cover, but some cover more with more specificity.
- Know the details
Knowing what is covered in your insurance is only half the battle. You also have to know how much you’re going to be paying should anything happen to your home. What’s going to be your premium? Your deductible? Liability coverage, personal property coverage, sub-limits, and riders are all important things to ask your insurance agent.
Your homeowners insurance policy should make you feel protected, and not leave you wondering if you’re going to make rent this month. To know you got the right homeowners insurance coverage contact the insurance professionals at Massive Insurance or get an instant quote now!